On May 3rd and May 5th 2016 two village focus groups were held with representation from local residents, local groups, societies and clubs. The purpose was for members of the Steering Group to provide a detailed update on the Neighbourhood Plan and it's current status and to enable a question and answer session to take place on the process being followed and approach taken together with an update on the sites identified for potential development.
The summaries from the two Q&A sessions are detailed below
Neighbourhood Plan Focus Meeting - 3rd May 2016
Neighbourhood Plan Focus Meeting - 5th May 2016
Copies of the material presented are below. These covered
1. Overall Neighbourhood Plan Process
3. Hartley Wintney Parish Map with constraints
4. Hartley Wintney Parish Map showing proposed development sites
5. Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment and other proposed sites
6. Site assessments as at April 2016
7. Overall site assessment scores as at April 2016