The Neighbourhood Plan is now well into the Regulation 16 consultation process which ends on 11th March and precludes the statutory independent examination - probably in April. Copies of the Plan can be viewed at the Parish Office, Victoria Hall, Deva Antiques in the High street and the coffee shop at St. John's Church.
Representations to the consultation must be made in writing: so you can either:
- Complete an online form or an electronic representation form, These can be found on line at or
- Set out your comments and email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or
- Print a representation form or write a letter and post it to: Neighbourhood Planning, Corporate Policy, Hart District Council, Harlington Way, Fleet, GU51 4AE
Any reprentation may include a request to be notified of the Council's decision to "make" the Neighbourhood Development Plan (bring it into legal force).
These necessary steps - and assuming a green light from Hart District Council down the line - give an indicative timeline for our Referendum of August/September this year. As regards the Referendum, all that is required is a simple majority. As a benchmark, however, in Odiham, for example, of the electorate (3870) 39% voted with 86% of those voting in favour of the Plan. Nearer the time, have no doubt we will be urging you to make your voice heard!
Chris Farrance
Chairman, HWNP Steering Group