First of all, a big thank you for all responses to the site consultation and for all the comments you posted. These responses will be logged and form part of our supporting evidence when the Plan is submitted for approval. Even the criticisms willbe included!


 Hartley Wintney Neighbourhood Plan

The purpose of this article is to share with you how your Neighbourhood Plan is progressing and to encourage YOU to give us your feedback. We’ll shortly be asking for your views so look out for our forthcoming questionnaire! Your feedback is particularly important as we need to have the views of as many Hartley Wintney parish residents as possible. In due course YOU will be invited to take part in a Referendum which will help shape how future housing developments will be assessed for the Parish.

 On May 3rd and May 5th 2016 two village focus groups were held with representation from local residents, local groups, societies and clubs. The purpose was for members of the Steering Group to provide a detailed update on the Neighbourhood Plan and it's current status and to enable a question and answer session to take place on the process being followed and approach taken together with an update on the sites identified for potential development.

First of all, thank you to all who attended our Drop in Day in March and for the feed back we have received about the sites which we were showing.
And it is worth repeating that the Steering Group have no part in choosing the sites we just assess them for future consideration and the whole community will get a chance later on in the process to show their willingness,